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In addition to the marlin photo & art prints you find on these pages, Kelly also sells marlin and other gamefish, reef fish and pelagic species photography as stock photography for commercial use.
Stock images are images that are for sale by the copyright owner for licensed use by other parties – in this case for commercial use – for example, on your website or print brochure.
If you are starting a business or just don’t have access to great marlin photos, I can help you.
Likewise if you just don’t have good enough pictures to represent your brand, my stock images will be a great resource for you.
My particular focus is the marlin, sport and game fishing industry, and I have plenty of images to get you started!
If you are starting a new fishing business, or even as an experienced captain, one of the most difficult things can be to illustrate your business on your website. Unless you have a dedicated photographer on board, getting the shots that show visitors what you do and what you catch is one of the hardest aspects of running this type of business.
In an industry where showing off in photo form is a must!
If you have done the rounds, you will know that marlin stock photography is a limited commodity. So there are (unfortunately) a number of websites that use the same images.
But I have the answer for you. In my photo library I have more than 15,000 marlin fishing images!! A lot of them have never even seen the light of day. So if you don’t see what you are looking for here, get in touch and chances are that I have what you need!
Stock photography doesn’t have to be expensive. But for commercial use (and that means if you are using it to promote your business) all images are subject to a license usage agreement.